Thursday, July 11, 2013

Peas, hydrangeas, hollyhocks, oh my!

Returning to my quiet summer routine after traveling, the gardening is back under control, which means most flower beds and the veggie garden are weeded. I've been picking broccoli, chard, beet greens, spinach and lettuces. Lots of sweet peas too. What a summertime treat eating so much out of the garden.

The humidity has been pretty heavy and no sun all week. You could say it's a little gloomy on day 4 of this! The moisture certainly encourages the snails to keep munching away at my greenery. I am tired of squishing them.

After torrential rains and dark skies the sun poked out a little bit. To celebrate, first I went swimming to soothe the itchy buggy feeling from gardening, then I got my camera out. I notice my eye often goes to the imperfection in the garden- weeds, dead branch, overgrown perennials- rather than enjoying the blooms. So here are some current blooms.

These lilies sum up this stretch of summery rain.

As I was making my rounds, I discovered quite a bit of damage by a mystery animal. Could snails eat several whole broccolis?

And the tops of my Swiss chard? No fair!

I'm guessing deer or groundhog but no animal poop left behind to help me identify.

The last time we had a groundhog we deeded over a quarter of the harvest to him, couldn't quite bring ourselves to shoot it.

This is a clear sign of the dog's negligence; she's not exactly earning her keep this summer.

On a more positive note, I love the colors and textures with fennel and beets next to each other.

Well, those peas I photographed need picking, so I'm back to the gardens- wine glass in hand as it's cocktail hour by my watch.

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